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Adapt or die — One lesson from Darwin can help your business survive
At around 65 million years ago dinosaurs ruled the earth. This was the period of the infamous Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor. Made famous by Hollywood blockbusters like Jurassic Park.
Huge, menacing creatures, they ruled the Earth for 200 million years. Striking fear with every ground-shaking stride.
It is in this world, dominated by massive carnivore, we find your ancestors. Small, meek mammals modestly eking out an existence. Mammals kept a low profile. Simply trying to survive in a brutal competitive environment.
Where mammals struggled to survive
The early true mammals were small insect-eating creatures. Often only coming out at night to avoid predators. Mammals ranged in size from the size of a bumblebee up to the size of a squirrel.
They hid in burrows and trees. Scurrying around at night to avoid predatory dinosaurs. Your ancestors survived in a small niche. Surviving in a world dominated by others spices.
The approaching destruction
All until one day around 65milion years ago. A giant lump of rock hurtled through the solar system at 40,000 miles per hour. It was 6 miles wide and weighed about a million tonnes. It was the size of Mount Everest and on a collision course with planet earth.
The giant asteroid smashed through the atmosphere. Seconds later it crashed into…